As a member of the Black Bear Racing Team, you are considered a role model in our community. To maintain our team's positive image and uphold our values, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Wearing Team Gear: We strongly encourage you to wear your BBR Jersey during group rides. If you don't have one, consider purchasing or join our BBR-WZ2 ride meet and greet.
Sportsmanship and Professionalism: Show good sportsmanship and professionalism at all cycling events, both on and off the bike. Represent our team with pride and respect for fellow cyclists and participants.
Traffic Regulations: Always obey all traffic regulations as enforced by local authorities during individual or group rides and races. Safety is a top priority.
Respect for Others: Respect for Others: Treat others with the same respect you wish to receive. Our team upholds the importance of inclusivity and values respectful interactions.
Compliance with Regulations: Adhere to the rules and regulations, as well as the laws and bylaws set forth by Cycling BC, the Canadian Cycling Association, and the Union Cycliste Internationale.
Cycling BC License: We encourage all members to maintain a valid Cycling B.C License during team rides and activities.
Welcoming New Members: Extend a warm welcome to new members and offer your support and encouragement. Embrace your role as a Kuya (Big Brother) or Ate (Big Sister) within the group, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
By following these guidelines, you contribute to the positive culture of our team and help us promote the sport of cycling responsibly and respectfully. Thank you for being a part of the Black Bear Racing Team.